Change history for JA Marketplace
--- PrestaShop 1.7.6 or higher ---
VERSION 9.0.8 (12/06/2023)
* FIX: displayMarketplaceHeader registerHook
* ADD: use link rewrite for seller logo and seller banner
* ADD: alt and title attributes in seller logo
* ADD: seller name in cart and shipping options with getSellerName function
* ADD: select2 in features
* ADD: new hook functions definitions for PrestaShop 8+
VERSION 9.0.2 (20/04/2023)
* ADD: dropzone server security
* ADD: meta robots -> index,follow in sellerprofile, sellercomments and sellercatalog
VERSION 9.0.0 (09/12/2022)
* ADD: compatible with PrestaShop 8
* ADD: change license in header
* ADD: use actionAdminControllerSetMedia
* FIX: PHP Coding Standards Fixer
* ADD: add product and add association product in AdminSellerProducts
* ADD: in add and edit product seller select
* ADD: use actionProductSave for save seller association from product form
* ADD: SellerProduct::getAttributes
* ADD: SellerProduct::cleanPositions
* ADD: new function for Seller Object -> getSellerProductForCatalog()
* FIX: Warning: Declaration of PaymentModule::validateOrder override
* FIX: show commission by level and category in view seller controller
* FIX: Dispatcher::createUrl() miss required parameter "id_seller" for route
* FIX: now possible to upload images with spaces in the name when using dropzone
* FIX: when you uncheck the option seller registration -> create seller account still appears in customer account
* FIX: unapproved seller comments now do not appear
* ADD: added sellers page layout improvements
VERSION 8.2.4 (06/05/2022)
* FIX: when edit prices in mass, show price_tax_exc
* FIX: in table seller_product add featured field in install sql
* FIX: range type text when edit carrier with prices method
* FIX: seller_validate = -1 when seller add
VERSION 8.2.0 (22/04/2022)
* FIX: delete all combinations when seller update product
* FIX: in sellerorder and AdminSellerOrder add shipping to original_order_total_paid
* FIX: in sellerorder show messages of order
* ADD: now you can approve and/or deactivate a seller account
* FIX: description is not maintained when there is an error in the form
* ADD: seller can show featured products in your seller profile
* FIX: when a seller searches for products with quantity 0 it doesn't work
* ADD: view action in seller commission history
* ADD: new order email with all information for sellers
VERSION 8.1.0 (28/01/2022)
* FIX: in seller order display messages in footer
* FIX: Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in sellercatalog
* FIX: productClasses with col-xs-6 col-xl-4 in PrestaShop 1.7.8+
* FIX: new seller products now appears even if the PrestaShop new products module is not active
* FIX: remove panel-heading styles in back.css
* ADD: commissions summary in seller order
* ADD: in add seller and add commission the seller selector was changed to an autocomplete text field
VERSION 8.0.9 (07/12/2021)
* FIX: panel heading background and border none in AdminSellerDashboard
* FIX: Bad SQL query in dashboard (backoffice)
* FIX: use getGradesNumberBySeller in sellerprofile and product-buttons hook
* FIX: if there is no category in the csv file to import, the product is associated with the home category
* FIX: create seller orders before seller commissions to solve shipping commissions with multiple sellers in cart
* FIX: when commissions are assigned when customer do an order, the seller order was created without status
VERSION 8.0.3 (02/09/2021)
* FIX: lscd v3
VERSION 8.0.2 (17/08/2021)
* FIX: lscd security v2
VERSION 8.0.1 (12/08/2021)
* FIX: bug security
VERSION 8.0.0 (11/06/2021)
* ADD: use displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnMiddle hook for display seller information
* ADD: use bootstrap card component in product page for display seller information
* ADD: admin can now see seller information in customer tab
* ADD: seller can add related products
* ADD: remove displayFooter and use Media::addJsDef for JavaScript variables
* ADD: changes in the design of the seller profile
* ADD: 6 new hooks: displayMarketplaceSellerProfileTop,
* ADD: row in container products
* ADD: now possible to display a seller category filter in your catalog
* ADD: SellerPaymentMethod
* ADD: admin can change seller method of payment
* ADD: seller short description
* ADD: use groupBox for customer groups in module configuration
* ADD: delete getJmarketplaceLink and change moduleRoutes
* ADD: field description changed by hint for helper forms
* ADD: two columns for fields in seller registration form
* ADD: mpn code
* ADD: the seller can add photos from his computer in the product descriptions
* ADD: new function to create mail directories for each installed language (actionUpdateLangAfter)
* ADD: sellers link and seller name in seller profile breadcrumb
* ADD: changes to the control of files attached to the message
* ADD: use shopLinkType in AdminControllers
* ADD: changes the content structure of the withdrawal page (backoffice)
* ADD: language selector with black block in top or dropdown
* ADD: dashboard sale amount
* ADD: seller benefits on commission history
* ADD: seller levels
* Add: design change in customer and seller messages
* ADD: grade in seller incidence messages
* ADD: subject in SellerIncidenceMessage and SellerIncidence
* ADD: show average technical support score in profile and product
* ADD: notifyNewOrderToSeller now is called in createSellerOrders
* ADD: acceso directo a los elementos de gestión del mercado en la configuración del módulo
* ADD: registerHook addWebserviceResources and remove webservice overrides
* ADD: now the seller can add a banner in the header of their seller profile
* ADD: CIF/NIF replace by Identification number
* ADD: messages, average response time and quality support in AdminSellerIncidences
* ADD: seller average response time
* ADD: commissions by seller, by category or by level
* ADD: products from the same seller on the product page
* ADD: important changes in admin seller dashboard
* ADD: massive update of prices and quantities
* ADD: direct access to module configuration from controllers
* ADD: statistics in seller dashboard
* ADD: seller orders in confirmation page
VERSION 7.2.0 (11/03/2021)
* ADD: id_cart in seller_commission_history
VERSION 7.1.0 (22/12/2020)
* ADD: use displayAdminOrderMain hook
VERSION 7.0.16 (21/12/2020)
* FIX: increase limit chars in short description
* ADD: charactercount tinymce
* ADD: attribute color container
* FIX: warning count orders and messages
* ADD: small changes in the add product form
* ADD: save and stay button in the add product form
* FIX: checkbox to enable zone in carrier price range
* FIX: distribution of multiple discounts to sellers on an order
VERSION 7.0.8 (28/10/2020)
* FIX: considerate font awesome icons v3 and v4
* FIX: last orders link in dashboard
* FIX: footer links with token
* FIX: German and Persian translation file replacement
* FIX: define max length in helper form AdminSellers
* ADD: now customer can delete seller from favorites from seller profile and product page
* ADD: strip tags in seller description in your catalog page
* ADD: modern email template
VERSION 7.0.0 (03/07/2020) - major upgrade
- * ADD: use init() function in controllers
- * ADD: double security for seller account with security token
- * ADD: code has been split to make it easier to maintain
- * ADD: the template system has changed a lot and is divided into blocks
- * ADD: use $urls.base_url global variable in footer links
- * ADD: added the class "jmarketplace-panel" to create blocks
- * ADD: unify "addseller" and "editseller" in "seller" controller
- * ADD: required fields for seller account
- * ADD: now the seller's url can be generated with the store name
- * ADD: "addseller.js" now is "seller.js"
- * ADD: the link to the seller's catalog has been relocated in the seller's profile
- * ADD: new rating star system for seller comments
- * ADD: change of appearance on the market sellers page
- * ADD: appearance change on customer favorites page
- * ADD: unify "order" and "orders" in "order" controller
- * ADD: major design changes on seller order page
- * ADD: the seller's order number now appears in the header in the order list
- * ADD: now the seller can contact the customer from the order
- * ADD: seller action confirmation messages are now displayed on your order page
- * ADD: now the seller can print your order
- * ADD: unify "carriers", "addcarrier" and "editcarrier" in "carrier" controller
- * ADD: "addcarrier.js" now is "sellercarrier.js"
- * ADD: a dropdown menu is now used for action buttons from seller's carriers list
- * ADD: "dashobard" controller now is "sellerdashboard" controller
- * ADD: "sellerinvoicehistory" now is in "sellerinvoice" controller
- * ADD: now it is possible to indicate what type of graph the seller will see on his dashboard (bar or line)
- * ADD: better organization of the seller's withdrawal page
- * ADD: now the administrator can set the number of days that will allow the seller to request a withdrawal
- * ADD: unify "sellerproducts", "addproduct" and "editproduct" in "sellerproduct" controller
- * ADD: seller action confirmation messages are now displayed on your product list
- * ADD: most advanced filter in the seller's product list
- * ADD: now the seller can duplicate products
- * ADD: call "actionProductAdd" hook when seller create a product
- * ADD: link to import and export products is now within the seller's product list, removed from menu
- * ADD: reference is now displayed in the seller's product listing
- * ADD: a dropdown menu is now used for action buttons from seller's product list
- * ADD: from the seller's products page there is now a link to the online catalog
- * ADD: "addproduct.js" now is "sellerproduct.js"
- * ADD: "sellerproducts.js" now is "sellerproduct.js"
- * ADD: "sellerproductlist" now is "sellercatalog" controller
- * ADD: in the seller's catalog there is now a header showing the seller's name, description, and photo
- * ADD: the seller's catalog shows the number of products that are enabled and a filter that allows ordering by relevance, name and price
- * ADD: in the seller's online catalog there is now pagination considering the all parameters established in the store configuration
- * ADD: the association of products with the seller already appear on the webservices
- * ADD: sellers page layout improvements
- * ADD: pagination added on sellers page
- * ADD: error handling of forms has been improved
- * ADD: fontawesome 5 or material icons
- * ADD: flexbox
- * ADD: use Bootstrap modal windows for some cases as transfer history or send a message
- * ADD: a little rounding has been applied to the seller account buttons
- * ADD: now it is possible use fontawesome or material icons
- * ADD: update module description
- * ADD: seller image appears on product page
- * ADD: statistics or data summary in the seller view (backoffice)
- * ADD: seller can now keep top menu and options menu hidden or visible
- * ADD: use Media::addJSDef() for Javascript variables
- * ADD: now it is possible to indicate whether the seller assumes the discounts or not
- * ADD: 12 new hooks added
--- PrestaShop 1.7.0 < 1.7.4 ---
VERSION 6.2.14 (21/05/2020)
- * FIX: getPathUri for tinymce js plugin in addseller controller
- * ADD: id_product_attribute in seller_commission_history table
- * FIX: virtual product to edit display template standard product
- * FIX: ProductDownload::date_expiration must be isDateOrNull (PrestaShop Core)
VERSION 6.2.10 (03/04/2020)
- * FIX: remove old virtual products when update
- * FIX: update seller carrier after update carrier in backoffice
- * FIX: id tax rule group for carriers
VERSION 6.2.7 (16/12/2019)
- * FIX: remove spaces in product image names
- * ADD: it is now possible to edit a virtual product without having to upload the file again
- * ADD: in the product selector to associate to a seller now only products that are not associated with any seller appear
- * ADD: now the seller can indicate the field separator for the export and import of products
- * FIX: discount consideration for all order sellers
- * ADD: When the seller cannot select the categories for their product, the categories are not restored at the time of editing
- * ADD: remove order id and align content in seller account tables
VERSION 6.2.0 (19/09/2019) - major upgrade
- * ADD: backend links adaptation in PrestaShop
- * ADD: use block name page title
- * ADD: use block name page footer
VERSION 6.1.15 (09/08/2019)
- * FIX: SellerProductImportLog->content type text without size
- * FIX: add time of remove of products in the importer
- * FIX: now the indexing of products is conditioned according to their visibility
- * FIX: change condition that allows to display the default quantities tab
- * FIX: now the commission is well calculated when the price is indicated with comma for decimals
- * ADD: new displayMarketplaceBeforeAddProductForm hook
- * FIX: notice: Undefined index: id_order in contactseller.php
- * ADD: in the seller messages now appears the customer name and change the columns order
- * FIX: column 'date_add' in where clause is ambiguous in AdminSellerOrders
- * ADD: seller payment method in AdminSellerInvoices and change textarea for input
- * ADD: use ProductListingPresenter for seller products templates
- * ADD: when the administrator creates a seller account it is possible to send a welcome message to the new seller
- * ADD: new email sent when a seller account has been edited from the Backoffice
- * ADD: now carriers can be selected without enabling the additional shipping cost text field
VERSION 6.1.0 (17/04/2019)
- * ADD: new function SellerProduct::getProducts()
- * ADD: seller can add multiple values for a feature (available in PretaShop 1.7)
- * ADD: seller can add custom value for features (available in PretaShop 1.7)
- * ADD: addproduct and editproduct template optimization (available in PretaShop 1.7)
- * ADD: declination message form without popup window (available in PretaShop 1.7)
- * ADD: image, reference, price and quantity is displayed in seller product list (backoffice) (available in PretaShop 1.7)
- * ADD: big changes and improvements in the selection of combinations by the seller
- * ADD: deactivate product quantity field when there are combinations
- * ADD: now the seller can add the final price with taxes included
- * ADD: importer with ajax and progress bar
- * ADD: use select2 plugin to add selectors with search input
- * ADD: improve the appearance of the secondary buttons
- * ADD: input type file translatable
- * ADD: use code mirror plugin for custom css styles
- * ADD: join forms in the module configuration
- * ADD: bar graph on seller dashboard
- * ADD: big improvements in filter date dashboard
- * ADD: use getAdminLink
VERSION 6.0.47 (11/04/2019)
- * ADD: now duplicate store names are not allowed
- * FIX: optimization in edit range of carriers
- * ADD: delete range in edit carrier
- * FIX: when there is an error in the add product form, a wrong combination is created
- * FIX: default category erroneous when you want the seller to add a single category for your products
- * FIX: use registerJavascript
- * ADD: related modules in module configuration
VERSION 6.0.40 (07/12/2018)
- * FIX: omit some special characters to generate the seller's url
- * FIX: with dropzone enabled the add and edit product button is disabled until the image upload is complete
- * FIX: checks if the order has products from a seller before generate the commissions. The problem of creating commission for shipping is solved when the order is not from any seller
- * FIX: optimize file zip < 2mb
- * ADD: tinymce v4.8.3
- * ADD: use getBreadcrumbLinks() in module controller in PrestaShop 1.7
- * ADD: use h1 tag in title in all pages in PrestaShop 1.7
- * ADD: tabla hover
- * ADD: button list with colors
- * ADD: adaptation footer links
- * ADD: persian language
- * ADD: now this module delete the cache after associating a product with a seller and after removing an association of a product from the seller
- * ADD: new available hooks: actionMarketplaceAssociateSellerProduct, actionMarketplaceDeleteSellerProduct, displayMarketplaceOrderBottom
- * ADD: now the administrator can export sellers, commissions, transfers request, etc in a csv file
VERSION 6.0.26 (17/09/2018)
- * ADD: Spanish VE of Venezuela
- * ADD: new icon |store| in admin menu
- * FIX: virtual products problem when editing, the transport tab appears
- * FIX: the message reference is now generated with 6 unique numbers
- * ADD: big improvements in the message section and improve with mobile devices
- * FIX: now it is not possible to send empty messages
- * ADD: now the administrator has a button to contact the seller in the backoffice - view - seller
- * ADD: encrypted attachments
- * ADD: file attachments in emails
- * ADD: now you can enable attachments in messages from the seller and customer
- * ADD: now you can indicate the extensions of allowed attachments for the messages
- * FIX: when there is a error the message description is saved
- * FIX: setMedia new param in AdminControllers
- * FIX: categories, features and combinations now is saved when there are errors in form add product
- * FIX: when you delete the product images now ask for confirmation
- * FIX: preview of the image without force the width
- * ADD: type of category selector: radio or checkbox
- * ADD: now it is possible to delete a product and seller association in the market administration
- * ADD: now it is possible to decide if the seller should send an invoice to the market to request a transfer of funds
- * ADD: now it is possible to set a minimum amount to receive a transfer of funds
- * ADD: now it is possible use dropzone plugin with bootstrap to seller upload images for your products
- * ADD: now appears the maximum size allowed for product images in MB
- * ADD: seller can now see the order message
- * ADD: in the add product page and in the edit product page now each block has its own title to separate the different parts of the form
- * ADD: change author module
- * ADD: upgrade logo
VERSION 6.0.0 (11/06/2018)
- * ADD: ps_versions_compliancy min: 1.7, max: _PS_VERSION_
- * ADD: meta_title, meta_description and meta_keywords now is available for seller profile
- * ADD: configurable dynamic seller routes: seller profile, vendor products and seller comments
- * ADD: compatible with Official GDPR Compliance Module
- * FIX: code validator optimizations
- * FIX: now the error for iframe is controlled when the seller tries to add a video and in his store is not allowed
- * FIX: improvements in AdminControllers filters
- * ADD: compatible with Official GDPR Compliance by PrestaShop Module
--- PrestaShop 1.6 ---
VERSION 5.0.41 (30/04/2019)
- * ADD: new function SellerProduct::getProducts()
VERSION 5.0.38 (07/03/2019)
- * ADD: now duplicate store names are not allowed
- * FIX: optimization in edit range of carriers
- * ADD: delete range in edit carrier
VERSION 5.0.35 (07/12/2018)
- * FIX: omit some special characters to generate the seller's url
- * FIX: with dropzone enabled the add and edit product button is disabled until the image upload is complete
- * FIX: checks if the order has products from a seller before generate the commissions. The problem of creating
commission for shipping is solved when the order is not from any seller
- * FIX: optimize file zip < 2mb
- * ADD: tinymce v4.8.3
- * ADD: button list with colors
- * ADD: use default buttons in footer links
- * ADD: persian language
- * ADD: now this module delete the cache after associating a product with a seller and after removing
an association of a product from the seller
- * ADD: new available hooks: actionMarketplaceAssociateSellerProduct, actionMarketplaceDeleteSellerProduct,
- * ADD: now the administrator can export sellers, commissions, transfers request, etc in a csv file
VERSION 5.0.24 (17/09/2018)
- * ADD: Spanish VE of Venezuela
- * FIX: virtual products problem when editing, the transport tab appears
- * FIX: the message reference is now generated with 6 unique numbers
- * ADD: big improvements in the message section and improve with mobile devices
- * FIX: now it is not possible to send empty messages
- * ADD: now the administrator has a button to contact the seller in the backoffice - view - seller
- * ADD: encrypted attachments
- * ADD: file attachments in emails
- * ADD: now you can enable attachments in messages from the seller and customer
- * ADD: now you can indicate the extensions of allowed attachments for the messages
- * FIX: when there is a error the message description is saved
- * FIX: categories, features and combinations now is saved when there are errors in form add product
- * FIX: when you delete the product images now ask for confirmation
- * FIX: preview of the image without force the width
- * ADD: type of category selector: radio or checkbox
- * ADD: now it is possible to delete a product and seller association in the market administration
- * ADD: now it is possible to decide if the seller should send an invoice to the market to request a transfer of funds
- * ADD: now it is possible to set a minimum amount to receive a transfer of funds
- * ADD: now it is possible use dropzone plugin with bootstrap to seller upload images for your products
- * ADD: now appears the maximum size allowed for product images in MB
- * ADD: seller can now see the order message
- * ADD: in the add product page and in the edit product page now each block has its own title to separate the different parts of the form
- * ADD: change author module
- * ADD: upgrade logo
VERSION 5.0.0 (11/06/2018)
- * ADD: ps_versions_compliancy min: 1.6, max:
- * ADD: meta_title, meta_description and meta_keywords now is available for seller profile
- * ADD: configurable dynamic seller routes: seller profile, vendor products and seller comments
- * ADD: compatible with Official GDPR Compliance Module
- * FIX: code validator optimizations
- * FIX: now the error for iframe is controlled when the seller tries to add a video and in his store is not allowed
- * FIX: improvements in AdminControllers filters
- * ADD: compatible with Official GDPR Compliance by PrestaShop Module
VERSION 4.2.0 (12/04/2018)
- * ADD: new hooks added for add more functions: actionMarketplaceBeforeAddSellerCommission,
actionMarketplaceAfterAddSellerCommission, actionMarketplaceBeforeAddSellerOrder,
actionMarketplaceAfterAddSellerOrder, displayMarketplaceAdminSeller, displayMarketplaceAdminSellerProduct
- * ADD: now you can add custom style rules for your theme
VERSION 4.1.8 (26/03/2018)
- * ADD: PrestaTrust certified
VERSION 4.1.7 (06/03/2018)
- * ADD: the commission is now displayed on the AdminSellerProducts - view seller information
- * FIX: problem in the metatitle with double quotes
- * ADD: now it is possible contact with seller from seller profile
- * ADD: some layout changes on the messages page of the seller and the messages page of customer
- * ADD: now employes, customers and sellers can send an attachment
- * ADD: now the administrator can give an answer to the messages between customer and seller
- * ADD: now uses select2 plugins in backoffice selects
- * ADD: now seller can add product attachments
- * FIX: now seller can add legend images for products in multi language
- * ADD: now seller can add different font sizes in your descriptions
- * ADD: now seller can order your product list by price and quantity
- * ADD: changed the action buttons in the product list
- * FIX: seller menu hidden and improvement in product tabs in small devices
- * FIX: orders and commissions from the seller compatible with multiple currencies
VERSION 4.0.3 (16/11/2017)
- * FIX: when you create a seller account and there are errors no longer disappear all the values of the fields
- * FIX: required and maxlength in some fields
- * ADD: marketplace breadcrumb in Prestashop 1.7
- * ADD: now sellers can indicate the ISBN code (only available in PrestaShop 1.7.x)
- * ADD: now sellers can indicate if they want to show the condition of the product or not (only available in PrestaShop 1.7.x)
- * ADD: now it is possible enable commission or no to sellers in add product page and edit product page
- * ADD: now it is possible enable unit price or no to sellers in add product page and edit product page
- * ADD: now it is possible enable availabilty preferences to sellers in add product page and edit product page
- * ADD: now sellers can edit your carriers
- * ADD: now it is possible to enable and disable the fields of the seller registration form and seller profile separately
- * ADD: now it is possible to send a reason for declination
- * ADD: now the administrator can receive email when seller change order status
- * ADD: now the administrator can receive email when a customer send a incidence or messages to the seller and vice versa
VERSION 3.9.0 (28/09/2017)
- * FIX: maxlength in reference
VERSION 3.8.9 (15/09/2017)
- * ADD: now it is possible enable for customer see seller information in your order history
- * ADD: display seller information in seller view backoffice
- * ADD: when seller manage your orders now it is possible add products of different sellers in shopping cart
- * ADD: commissions summary in history commissions
- * ADD: adminSellerOrders controller
- * ADD: now it is possible enable order states for sellers
- * ADD: last orders in seller dashboard
- * FIX: utf-8 problem in creating emails in the installation
- * ADD: now possible to receive an email when the seller requests a commission payment
VERSION 3.8.0 (08/06/2017)
- * ADD: all fields for virtual products
- * ADD: change buttons in seller products page
- * ADD: now is possible to decide that only customers who have purchased a product will post comments
- * FIX: some improvements in small devices
VERSION 3.7.6 (08/05/2017)
- * ADD: when the seller creates a new carrier can associate it with all its products
VERSION 3.7.5 (04/05/2017)
- * FIX: error attributes with commas in name
VERSION 3.7.4 (27/04/2017)
- * ADD: displayMarketplaceFormAddProductTab and displayMarketplaceFormAddProductTabContent
VERSION 3.7.3 (23/03/2017)
- * FIX: percentage variable commissions with decimals
- * ADD: seller can add the wholesale price to your product
- * ADD: checkbox tree closed and with folders
- * ADD: information available in webservices
- * ADD: translations in de (german)
- * ADD: improvements in seller payments page, now the seller can select your favorite method of payment (paypal or bankwire)
- * FIX: now this module also works with urls not friendly
- * ADD: seller can send a invoice to collect your commissions
VERSION 3.6.5 (17/11/2016)
- * FIX: seller products order by position
- * ADD: seller can add order tracking
- * FIX: remove tinymce cdn, now tinymce is inside module
- * FIX: carrier range with decimals
- * FIX: compatible with Smarty cache for Javascript (tinymce not work with smarty cache for Javascript)
VERSION 3.6.0 (30/09/2016)
- * ADD: compatible with PrestaShop
- * FIX: improvement in select delivery method for products
- * FIX: display list of seller's products considering the active categories and restrictions of customer groups
- * ADD: more options for seller when they add product: available for order, show price and online only
- * FIX: seller can add a product with price = 0
- * ADD: seller can indicate if your product must be displayed with the |on sale| icon on the product page, and in the text found within the product listing
- * ADD: visual changes in Backoffice - JA Marketplace - Seller Products - Views
- * ADD: now you can see the seller's information and seller's coommissions in admin order page
- * ADD: now the seller can do bulk actions: enable, disable and delete products
- * ADD: admin dashboard for marketplace
- * ADD: now is possible to select multiple order states that assign commissions to sellers
- * ADD: now is possible to change the status of commissions in bulk
- * ADD: tinymce with many options for descriptions of seller products
VERSION 3.4.7 (15/06/2016)
- * FIX: dashboard without canceled orders
- * ADD: responsive chart in dashboard
- * FIX: considerate cart rules and discounts in seller commissions
- * FIX: tinymce multilang
VERSION 3.4.3 (02/06/2016)
- * ADD: Now is possible to change the text of emails more easily. Now the messages are saved in database.
Important: If you have edited emails templates, with this upgrade you must do it again with the new system
- * FIX: remove ajax.php and ajax process in controllers. Remove other js files
- * ADD: big improvement in seller rating and comments
VERSION 3.4.0 (31/04/2016)
- * FIX: use TaxRulesGroup and no Tax in add product and edit product page
- * ADD: big changes in add carrier page
- * ADD: update tinymce cdn 4.3.8
- * ADD: date range in dashboard
- * ADD: sellers can indicate your language
- * ADD: sellers can indicate your email
- * ADD: page seller account, improvement breadcrumb, footer links and menu options in column left
- * FIX: now the sellers can add all data of your number account: IBAN, BIC, etc
- * ADD: description messages in emails when a customer contact with a seller
- * ADD: sellers can add a offer price in your product
- * ADD: sellers can export and import your products massively
VERSION 3.2.8 (31/03/2016)
- * FIX: now total shipping is not aggregated by each product
- * ADD: new option seller assume taxes
- * ADD: new option that allow the seller enable and disable your products
- * ADD: new option fixed commission
- * FIX: override Carrier::getAvailableCarrierList() for sellers
- * ADD: reference for commission history state and cancel commissions when seller cancel your order
VERSION 3.2.2 (15/03/2016)
- * FIX: referenceError: addproduct_controller_url is not defined
- * ADD: now seller can change the product's link rewrite
VERSION 3.2.0 (01/03/2016)
- * ADD: add product and edit product with tabs or no
- * ADD: show seller postal code
- * ADD: show price and quantity in product list of seller
- * ADD: seller CIF/NIF
- * ADD: sellers can see your dashboard
- * ADD: sellers can manage your orders
- * ADD: customers can only add products from a single seller to the shopping cart when the order management by seller or transport management by seller is activated
- * ADD: sellers can manage your carriers and shipping cost
VERSION 3.1.2 (25/01/2016)
- * ADD: now the seller can see a preview image, he can indicate cover image, delete image and add image's legend
- * ADD: addproduct and editproduct with tabs
- * ADD: sellers can edit the friendly url of your products
- * FIX: the maximum image size up is limited by the server
- * ADD: confirm delete product
- * FIX: in additional shipping cost only show carriers of seller. Compatibility with jsellershipping module
- * FIX: use dateFormat in templates
- * ADD: action buttons in seller products
- * FIX: seller messages description with paragraphs (n12br)
VERSION 3.0.3 (16/12/2015)
- * ADD: translations in mx, co, ar
- * ADD: hookDisplayProductListReviews to show seller name in product list
- * FIX: adaptation processFilter in PrestaShop >=
- * ADD: admin bulk actions
- * FIX: when editing a commission mark the current state
- * ADD: combination reference
- * ADD: show to seller the final price and commission for him when he add a new product or he edit product
- * FIX: show tax name in select taxes in add product and edit product
- * ADD: order and search in seller products
- * ADD: pagination in seller products
VERSION 2.9.3 (03/11/2015)
- * FIX: delete validate purchase
- * FIX: group customer to sellers checked in install
- * FIX: shipping additional cost and carriers selected
- * FIX: delete seller incidences and messages
- * ADD: minimal quantity, available now, available later and available date
- * ADD: sort by in seller product list
- * ADD: view in grid or list in seller product list
- * FIX: error messages translatable from translations of the modules
VERSION 2.8.5 (03/10/2015)
- * ADD: font awesome inside module
- * FIX: seller menu improvement css
- * FIX: product actions improvement css
- * ADD: Package depth
- * ADD: country, state and city seller
- * FIX: shipping cost and additional shipping cost to product is considerated to assign commisions
- * ADD: validate purchase
- * FIX: all add css and js in hookDisplayHeader()
VERSION 2.7.7 (19/09/2015)
- * FIX: admin menu translations in italian and french and emails in english
- * FIX: product name + attributes in history commissions
- * FIX: pagination error in seller products considerate only active products
- * FIX: all seller products are deactivated when a seller is deactivated
VERSION 2.7.3 (12/09/2015)
- * FIX: class box float left only in jmarketplace
VERSION 2.7.2 (05/09/2015)
- * FIX: show price and commisions with currency in AdminSellerCommisionsHistory
- * FIX: solve https bug
- * FIX: default order in AdminController set date_upd desc
- * FIX: delete product link with param deleteproduct=1
- * FIX: updateCategories to solve problem edit product
- * ADD: translations in fr and it
- * FIX: seller only can delete their products
- * FIX: class not_unifrom in input star seller
- * ADD: show and download virtual product in editproduct controller
- * ADD: thumbnails with fancybox in editproduct
- * FIX: Notice: Undefined property: SellerIncidenceMessage::$id_incidence
- * ADD: change logo.png 57x57
VERSION 2.6.0 (14/08/2015)
- * ADD: new action hooks: actionMarketplaceAfterUpdateSeller, actionMarketplaceBeforeUpdateSeller, actionMarketplaceAfterUpdateProduct, actionMarketplaceBeforeUpdateProduct
- * ADD: show seller name in product page
- * FIX: in edit product show carriers selected
- * FIX: in edit product show categories selected
- * FIX: delete MultiFile and posibility to add images in png
- * FIX: seller already exists in our database in addseller controller
- * ADD: customers must agree to the terms of service before continuing to register
- * ADD: configure selected categories to sellers
- * ADD: select language with fixed flags
VERSION 2.5.1 (04/08/2015)
- * ADD: new action hooks: actionMarketplaceAfterAddSeller, actionMarketplaceBeforeAddSeller,
actionMarketplaceAfterAddProduct, actionMarketplaceBeforeAddProduct
- * ADD: quick access
- * ADD: configurable theme columns in each page template
- * ADD: meta pages SEO
VERSION 2.4.7 (03/08/2015)
- * ADD: show number products of seller in page seller products
- * FIX: delete 'class' => 'button pull-right' in helper form buttons
VERSION 2.4.5 (25/07/2015)
- * ADD: translation in br
- * ADD: buttons in tab information: contact, promotion, changelog, etc
- * FIX: The sellers can view their favorite sellers
- * ADD: create 10 basic own hooks in front office
- * ADD: general footer.tpl
VERSION 2.4.3 (07/07/2015)
- * FIX: upgrade 2.1.4
- * FIX: Property Configuration->name length (34) must be between 0 and 32 in prestashop 1.5.x
- * FIX: virtual product and combinations can not activate both
- * FIX: control association product and seller backoffice
- * FIX: filter seller products backoffice
- * FIX: filter seller commisions backoffice
VERSION 2.3.7 (25/06/2015)
- * ADD: sellers can add attributes or combinations
- * ADD: token security
VERSION 2.3.5 (01/06/2015)
- * ADD: additional shipping cost by product
- * FIX: assign product in home category when don't show categories
- * FIX: keep form data when there are errors in addproduct
VERSION 2.3.2 (13/05/2015)
- * FIX: front bootstrap optimization
- * ADD: allow to sellers edit product or no
- * ADD: allow to sellers delete product or no
- * ADD: new option assign commisions when a customer places an order
- * ADD: new option assign commisions when an order status changes
- * ADD: new option condition product
- * FIX: category default selected in edit product form
VERSION 2.2.5 (27/04/2015)
- * FIX: show categories in selected languages
VERSION 2.2.4 (13/04/2015)
- * FIX: duplicate seller in edit
VERSION 2.2.3 (08/04/2015)
- * FIX: add product images in internet explorer and safari
- * FIX: show real quantity in edit product
- * FIX: reprogramate contactseller and sellermessage
- * ADD: upgrade function
- * FIX: best url friendly
VERSION 2.1.8 (01/04/2015)
- * FIX: Seller::getFrontSellers()
- * ADD: seller profile and seller product list url friendly
- * FIX: in seller product list show only active products
- * ADD: Seller::generateLinkRewrite()
VERSION 2.1.4 (31/03/2015)
- * ADD: multishop
- * FIX: contact seller revision
VERSION 2.1.2 (14/03/2015)
- * ADD: page sellers list
- * FIX: list categories tree scroll vertical
- * FIX: seller image in png
- * ADD: new products in seller profile
- * ADD: virtual files
VERSION 2.0.7 (12/03/2015)
- * FIX: increase limit query seller products
- * ADD: compare products of seller in seller product list
- * ADD: pagination in seller product list, product per page, orderby, orderway management
VERSION 2.0.4 (04/03/2015)
- * ADD: change jquery ui theme (flick vertical) to backoffice configuration
- * ADD: tab information with link to pdf documentation
- * FIX: delete HelperForm in AdminSellerProductsController
- * ADD: add row action view in AdminSellerProductsController
- * ADD: association seller/product in AdminSellerProductsController
- * ADD: jquery.rating seller
- * FIX: considerate show fields configuration in seller profile
- * FIX: tinymce 4.1 cdn
VERSION 1.9.6 (04/03/2015)
- * ADD: template emails to Holland
- * FIX: allow contact seller enable/unable
- * ADD: show seller profile link in product-buttons.tpl
- * ADD: view more products of seller in product-buttons.tpl
- * FIX: not work show contact seller in product-buttons.tpl
- * ADD: management payment sellers
- * FIX: reprogramate contact seller
- * FIX: getEmailSubjectTranslation() to translate subject emails
- * ADD: customers can add seller favorite (followers)
- * ADD: font awesome icons
- * FIX: cast data input pSQL, int, string
- * ADD: README.md
- * FIX: change head license
- * FIX: Hard coded images types are forbidden
- * FIX: change js and css directory inside views
VERSION 1.8.1 (10/02/2015)
- * ADD: features
- * ADD: template emails to colombia
- * ADD: class button in button product actions
- * FIX: delete $helper->toolbar_btn = $this->initToolbar();
- * FIX: delete cleditor in addseller.tpl
- * FIX: addJS and addCSS ok in prestashop 1.5.x
- * ADD: displayFormThemeSettings()
- * ADD: theme default to prestashop 1.5.x
- * ADD: css adaptative in theme default
- * ADD: getNestedCategories() in CategoryTree class
- * FIX: change index security
VERSION 1.7.0 (01/02/2015)
- * ADD: font-awesome icon in admin tab
- * ADD: admin filter sellers by date add and date upd
- * ADD: admin filter seller products by date add
- * ADD: select default category in front office
- * ADD: new manufacturer in front office
- * ADD: new supplier in front office
- * FIX: optimize SellerProduct class
- * ADD: multilanguage in add product in front office
VERSION 1.6.2 (11/11/2014)
- * FIX: $type = ImageType::getByNameNType('thickbox_default');
VERSION 1.6.1 (31/10/2014)
- * FIX: delete $config array tpl
- * ADD: index security
- * ADD: duplicate directories mails by languages
VERSION 1.5.8 (30/10/2014)
- * ADD: seller payment class
- * ADD: seller payment controller
- * ADD: seller payment in AdminSellerController
- * FIX: delete contactAuthor()
VERSION 1.5.4 (29/10/2014)
- * FIX: admin filter table
- * FIX: reprogramate emails
- * ADD: translations in spanish
VERSION 1.5.1 (28/10/2014)
- * FIX: admin tabs in spanish
- * ADD: configure email administrator
- * ADD: changelog.txt
- * ADD: contact seller
- * ADD: show seller profile
- * ADD: configure customer group
- * FIX: Tools::deleteDirectory(_PS_IMG_DIR_.'sellers')
- * ADD: image seller default
VERSION 1.4.2 (18-10-2014)
- * FIX: drop table if exists
- * FIX: addseller.tpl customer_name
- * ADD: hookActionValidateOrder
- * ADD: hookActionProductDelete
- * ADD: AdminSellerCommisions
- * ADD: AdminSellerCommisionsHistory
- * ADD: class SellerEmail
- * ADD: object message
- * ADD: seller menu
VERSION 1.3.3 (15-10-2014)
- * ADD: addproduct.js
- * ADD: tinymce.js
- * ADD: optimal size default_thickbox recomanation
VERSION 1.3.0 (12-09-2014)
- * ADD: max images setting
- * ADD: jquery.MultiFile
- * FIX: validate fields
VERSION 1.2.7 (08-10-2014)
- * ADD: bootstrap
- * ADD: module key
- * ADD: general settings
- * ADD: seller account settings
- * ADD: seller product settings
- * ADD: emails settings
- * FIX: reprogramate structure data base
- * FIX: reprogramate tpls
- * FIX: reprogramate controllers
- * FIX: reprogramate classes
- * FIX: reprogramate css
- * ADD: cleditor
- * ADD: create seller image folder
- * ADD: helper form
- * ADD: jquery ui tabs
- * ADD: contactAuthor
- * FIX: change logo
- * FIX: change admin tab
- * ADD: add id tax rule in product form
- * ADD: add supplier in product form
- * ADD: add manufacturer in product form
- * ADD: EAN13 in product form
- * ADD: UPC in product form
- * ADD: reference in product form
- * ADD: width and height in product form
- * ADD: weight in product form
- * ADD: metas in product form
Version 1.0.0