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CSS Prix spécifiques

Exportez et importez rapidement avec un fichier CSS tous les prix spécifiques ou proposés dans votre boutique. Gagnez du temps et maintenez vos prix spécifiques à jour en quelques clics.

83,99 €

Téléchargé plus de 500 fois

favorite_border Ajouter à ma liste de souhaits in the first year
Then 24,00 € / year



Selectively export all the specific prices that are in your shop.

Selection of fields

Choose which fields you want to export in the .csv file.


Add or update specific prices in your shop.

Error handling

For each import, a file is generated with the error report.


Keep a record of exports and imports that you can retrieve at any time.

Data identification

You can match each column of your source CSV file with one of the destination columns (PrestaShop store database).

Save time

Save management time by mass updating your store-specific prices with just a few clicks.


Avoid having to edit each product to add specific prices individually.


Keep the catalog of specific prices updated in a matter of seconds.


Remove your store-specific prices before importing.


Download and view example file to use as a base..


Specific price management is a marketing technique in which unique rates can be set for each customer, group of customers, or for a country. This is done to best meet the specific needs of each client, client group or country.

This technique is often used to attract top customers, increase sales, and improve buyer-seller relationships.

Specific prices management is also used to control price behavior and prevent unfair competition. Specific prices management is an effective way to increase sales and improve customer service.

PrestaShop allows you to manage specific prices for your products in a complete way, but if you want to modify a large number of products, it becomes a cumbersome and complicated task since you have to enter each product individually to add the specific prices.

To make a campaign, offer or promotion of a large number of products, you will have to work hard to get it.

With this module you will be able to get managing the specific prices massively through a .csv file easy and quickly.

Once the csv file has been created according to your needs, you will be able to modify the prices of your store in a matter of seconds.

Fields considered


The specific price identifier.


The specific price rule identifier.


The shopping cart identifier.


The product identifier (required).


The product reference.


The currency identifier.


The currency name.


The country identifier.


The country name.


The customer group identifier.


The customer group name.


The customer identifier.


The custmer email.


The combination identifier.


The combination reference.


The price.


The quantity from which the specific price applies.


The reduction.


Reduction with tax rate or not.


The reduction type (amount or percentage).


Start date.


Ending date.


PrestaShop v1.5.0.0 - v8.1.0


4.0.0 (09/12/2022)

Langues disponibles

You can easily translate this module into any language.

Partenaire créateur de module : SuperHéro

Module creator partner Superhero seller

Why choose us?


Install this module easily, in one click, from the modules management of your store. Upload and install it.

Quality code

Complying with PrestaShop code standards.


Module tested and working perfectly in our own PrestaShop module store.


Guarantee the success of your business with this unique module and differentiate yourself from the competition.


Developed by PrestaShop experts with more than 15 years of experience in the Ecommerce sector.


We are aware of the importance of fulfilling the development of the work in the stipulated time. We put our capabilities to the maximum to carry out the entrusted task.


Delighted with our work. Dividing to win is a whole philosophy of life and that is what we do every day to give you solutions.

We hear you

Analysis, constant work and innovation. We always listen to your suggestions and requests to improve and make a more complete product.

Help and updates

Enjoy important updates every year and ask for unlimited help with technical support included in the purchase.

Bonus d’heures

To resolve specific problems, hire a bag of hours to provide you with the most appropriate and personalized technical assistance with priority and/or exclusivity.

Maintenance PrestaShop

With the maintenance service, we take care of everything related to the technical part of your store and help you improve your business.


Ask for budgets without commitment to make specific modifications in your shop..

12 comments about "CSS Prix spécifiques"

of 5
Very good
12 ratings
  • César (Bonatinta)
    By Mileidy L for CSS Prix spécifiques on 16/05/2014
    Me fue genial para importar mas de 6mil productos (6000 productos), me ahorrado muchas horas de trabajoEl proveedor de productos me envio su tarifa, yo la multipliqué por el beneficio que le queria aplicar. COPIAR, PEGAR, IMPORTAR listo... Gracias por el aporte
  • facil
    By Andrea C for CSS Prix spécifiques on 16/05/2014
    muy rapido y facil de instalar, 1 minuto de reloj... puntuación 100% positivo
  • Great Product
    for CSS Prix spécifiques on 29/07/2015
    Great Product, very usefull
  • ok
    By Bianca V for CSS Prix spécifiques on 20/07/2015
  • Muy sencillo
    for CSS Prix spécifiques on 05/05/2015
    Es muy cómodo para utilizar escalados de precios

17 google reviews about JA Modules

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