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Monnaies virtuelles

Monnaies virtuelles

Offrez à vos clients une nouvelle option de paiement avec des monnaies virtuelles.

Create your virtual coin for your customers

Catégories: Mises à niveau
Mots clés:
Important update of the virtual coins module that will allow you to enable a new payment method where customers will be able to pay with virtual coin.

Recent changes:

 VERSION 2.2.0 (08/08/2022)

 * ADD: show the customer the value in real money

 * ADD: lscd security

 * FIX: remove limited currencies

 * FIX: change information links

 * FIX: use Media::addJsDef

 * FIX: order state removable

Version 2.2.0 allows to show the customer the value in real money of the virtual coins that the customer has, although some improvements incorporated in PrestaShop 1.7 have also been added and a security layer has been added.

The most outstanding feature that this new version brings is, without a doubt, the possibility of allowing the client to see the real money equivalence of the virtual currencies that the client has.

In the virtual coins history, on the product page and in the cart, the customer will be able to see this equivalence to get an idea of ​​the use.

Added security check for license.

Currency limitation removed. In this case, this module was only enabled to work with Euro and Dollar. Now it can work with any currency.

Updated config links as they pointed to old urls.

To include variables in JavaScript files, this module now uses the addJsDef PrestaShop Core function included in the Media class.

Finally, a small adjustment has been made in the creation of the order status used when paying with virtual coins.

The order status added by this module called "Paid with virtual coins" is now created as deleteable.

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