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Selectable cities module now in PrestaShop 1.7
New version 1.2.0 of the citiesmodule where we highlight its compatibility with PrestaShop 1.7 and the functionality with the instant checkout.
Recent changes:
VERSION 1.2.0 (12/07/2018)
* ADD: ps_versions_compliancy min: 1.7, max: _PS_VERSION_
* ADD: now also works with instant checkout
* ADD: contact buttons and more information in the module configuration
* FIX: PrestaShop validator standards code structure
* ADD: translations in ar,co,mx,pe
VERSION 1.1.0 (12/07/2018)
* ADD: ps_versions_compliancy min: 1.6, max:
* ADD: now also works with instant checkout
* ADD: contact buttons and more information in the module configuration
* FIX: PrestaShop validator standards code structure
* ADD: translations in ar,co,mx,pe
In this update we have created 2 different versions of this module for PrestaShop 1.6 and 1.7, respectively, in order to work specifically for each version independently and obtain a higher quality module.
We have improved the configuration of this module by adding more information and enabling a button to contact the developer, see more modules of it, a link to qualify the purchase and get a discount for the next purchase and a link to the change history. You can also directly access the management of cities, provinces and countries.
One of the most outstanding functionalities is that now it works also with the instant checkout and now it is compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.
Now this module complies with the code standards of the PrestaShop validator and has been translated into Argentine, Colombian, Mexican and Peruvian.