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Management and control tool for income, expenses, benefits and calculation of taxes to be paid quarterly. Accounting for your PrestaShop.
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Accounting is one of the most important activities in the field of business, given its nature to report on the increase in wealth, productivity and positioning of businesses in competitive environments. Allows quantify, measure and analyze the economic reality of the business.
The purpose of this module is to provide information on a of the results obtained time during a period of time. It is useful to users in making decisions, both to control the last administration, as for estimates of future results, providing such decisions of rationality and efficiency.
Contabe is ideal for small businesses or freelancers who do not want to spend a lot of money in business management and it can be installed in your shop to get all the following benefits:
In the module configuration it is possible:
The administrator can see all the information provided by this module in a new tab that is added to the administration menu. Within "Sell" appears the new item Contabe.
What is inside this section?
The Contabe Dashboard is very useful to see a summary of the income, expenses and benefits of each project.
In this section you can see in graphic format all the income, expenses and benefits of a project for a given period. You have the possibility to filter by project or company and by period.
The status of the accounts appears in the Dashboard. In this case, a list of the accounts created is shown together with its current amount.
In table format you can see the best sales of the period. The product reference, the name of the product, the total quantity sold, the percentage of sales and total sales are present in this table. You can also see a circular graph with the percentage of sales of each product.
In table format you can also see the best customers in a period. The customer code, the name of the customer, the total amount purchased, the percentage of sales and the total sale appear for each customer. You can also see a pie chart with the sales percentage of the best customers.
Contabe module is multi-project or multi-company. You can create as many projects as you wish to see the results of each of them. Each project can be used to represent a company or an entity.
In the projects section you can see a list of the projects in your store. By default, a project with the name of the store is created, but at any time you can modify or add new projects.
To modify or add a new project it is possible to indicate:
On the project view page, you can see all the project information with button to edit and possibility to filter by date to see the information in a certain period.
What information appears on this page?
In the section you can create money deposit accounts without limits, such as bank accounts, pension plans and even your own portfolio. All this in order to represent the real accounts and at a glance to be able to see the money that is available in each account.
In the section of accounts you can see a list of the accounts that are in your store. In the installation a default account is created but you can modify or add new accounts.
To modify or add a new account it is possible to indicate:
On the account view page, you can see all the information on the account with a button to edit and the possibility to filter by date to see the information in a given period.
What information appears on this page?
In the section of transfers you can see a list of all the transfers made between the accounts. This section is useful to move money between the different accounts in the event that it has actually occurred. To add a new transfer between accounts, it is only necessary to select the source account, the destination account, the amount and the date of issue.
Transfers are not associated with your bank or PayPal account. For each transaction you make in reality, you will have to add it later to Contabe so that it is reflected in the accounting.
Customers that appear in Contabe are only those that have made purchases or have generated income.
In this section you can see a list of the clients of each project. You can quickly view or sort the list to see the amounts that each client has contributed.
In the page of seeing client, you can see all the information of the client with button to edit and possibility to filter by date to see the information in a given period.
What information appears on this page?
In the suppliers section you can see a list of the suppliers that interact with each project. You can quickly view or sort the list to see the amounts you have paid to each supplier.
On the supplier viewing page, you can see all the supplier's information with button to edit and possibility to filter by date to see the information in a given period.
What information appears on this page?
Suppliers are not created automatically. When you are going to create a new expense, it must be associated with a supplier. Suppliers must be created manually in this section before adding an expense.
In the income section you can see a list of all the exploitation income of each project associated with the clients.
When an order is placed or the status of an order is changed to a status marked in the module configuration, the data of that order is recorded as revenue in this section.
You can also add new revenue produced outside the virtual store to be reflected in the accounting.
The returns and discounts generated by the store are also created and appear in this section with a negative amount.
In the expenses section you can see a list of all the expenses of each project associated with a supplier. For each expense that your business generates, you must create it in the application so that it is reflected in the accounting.
In the section of labels you can see a list of all the labels of each project. They can be labels of type expense or income. You can create as many labels as you want for your expenses and income. This section is ideal to see the expenses or income by label.
In the page of see label, you can see all the information of the label with button to edit and possibility to filter by date to see the information in a certain period.
What information appears on this page?
Tags are not created automatically. For example, when you are going to create a new expense, this can be associated with a label. The labels must be created manually in this section before adding an expense or income.
In the tax section you can see a list of the tax rates used by the application.
Although this module automatically creates the revenue items with the orders that customers make, all income, expenses and transfers that are generated outside the application must be added manually to reflect a complete and transparent accounting.
It is very important that you thoroughly review all the documentation of the products we sell, try the demonstration and ask us any questions you have before making the purchase because product returns are not allowed, since it is non-encrypted software and it is not a tangible product.
Once sold a licences, the amount will not be returned under any circumstances except for causes attributable to this entity, in that case the origin of the problem will be studied to try to solve it by dedicating the maximum capacity to it.
In case the product is not working in your store, we will need the access data to the site (FTP and backoffice mainly) to review and solve the problems.
Only in the event that the problem could not be solved would the refund be issued.
Refund requests will not be considered if the purchase was made more than 3 months ago.
The purchase of this module includes 12 months of technical support and updates and is tacitly renewed at the end of the period.
You can cancel your subscription at any time before the end of the current period.
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Take a look at the hour bag service we offer.
View hour bagControl in a simple or advanced way visits that receive the products of your shop. Analyzes which products are the most visited and show...
Allows the customers to inform you of competition prices from product page. Win a customer by offering the best market price.
This module allows you to add a block of news or featured links at the top of your shop with scrolling text.
Create your own MarketPlace allowing your customers register as sellers for sell their products in exchange for a commission.