Move products in bulk
Copies or moves products from one category to another in bulk in just one click. Saves time in this task and get it done in a matter of...
Associates the categories with the groups of customers en masse with the objective of restricting or granting access permission. Saves time in this process.
Downloaded more than 10 times
favorite_border Add to my wishlist in the first yearEste módulo permite asociar masivamente las categorías con los grupos de clientes con el objetivo de restringir o dar permiso de acceso.
Con este módulo ahorrará tiempo de gestión cuando necesita actualizar la asociación de categorías con grupo de clientes.
Si usted ha creado un grupo de clientes nuevo este no estará asociado a ninguna categoría. Sin este módulo tendrá que ir categoría a categoría para hacer la asociación.
Si usted ha creado una nueva categoría o varias categorías. Tiene que asociarla a los grupos de clientes individualmente. Con este módulo podrá hacer esta asociación en masa.
Data sheet
PrestaShop v1.5.0.0 - v1.7.8.7
1.0.0 (10/11/2015)
(*) Available languages
Module Creator Partner: SuperHero
En la pestaña módulos del backoffice haz click en el botón de "Añadir nuevo módulo", situado en la parte de arriba a la derecha. Selecciona el fichero empaquetado que acabas de descargar y pulsa en "Subir el fichero". El módulo aparecerá ahora en tu lista de módulos. Pulsa Instalar" y luego Configurar". También puedes descomprimir el archivo .zip y subir la carpeta vía ftp al directorio de módulos de tu tienda. En la administración de módulos, localiza el módulo, instálalo y configúralo.
It is very important that you thoroughly review all the documentation of the products we sell, try the demonstration and ask us any questions you have before making the purchase because product returns are not allowed, since it is non-encrypted software and it is not a tangible product.
Once sold a licences, the amount will not be returned under any circumstances except for causes attributable to this entity, in that case the origin of the problem will be studied to try to solve it by dedicating the maximum capacity to it.
In case the product is not working in your store, we will need the access data to the site (FTP and backoffice mainly) to review and solve the problems.
Only in the event that the problem could not be solved would the refund be issued.
Refund requests will not be considered if the purchase was made more than 3 months ago.
The purchase of this module includes 12 months of technical support and updates and is tacitly renewed at the end of the period.
You can cancel your subscription at any time before the end of the current period.
Download security updates.
Download compatibility updates.
Download evolutions and new functionalities.
Unlimited assistance.
The adaptations with the different types of template.
The specific modifications or customizations that you need to make in your shop.
Solve problems related to the template, incompatibilities with third-party modules or third-party service problems such as hosting limitations among others.
Take a look at the hour bag service we offer.
View hour bagAdds image and / or video galleries in a powerful and simple way in any available position of your store using the Fotorama plugin .
Adds a slide image control or banner on the category page of your shop to promote products, subcategories or whatever you can imagine.
Promote or highlight the categories and/or subcategories desired in your shop.
Copies or moves products from one category to another in bulk in just one click. Saves time in this task and get it done in a matter of...